Perry Municipal Court has contracted with Judicial Alternatives of Georgia (JAG) Probation Services to provide supervisory services for those individuals placed on probation by our court. JAG Probation Services monitors defendants who have been ordered by the Court to complete special conditions while on probation in addition to monitoring those defendants that have been ordered to pay fines and/or fees as assessed by the Court.

Chief Probation Officer
Dennard, Angela Angela Dennard
Chief Probation Officer
1122 Ball Street
Perry, GA 31069
Open in Google Maps
O: (478) 218-2739
F: (478) 218-2734
Read Bio

Reporting Schedule:

Office Reports

Monday 9AM-12PM or 1PM-5PM

Thursday 9AM-12PM or 1PM-7PM

Phone Reports

Tuesday 9AM-12PM or 1PM-5PM

Office is closed for lunch 12PM-1PM daily.

For Assistance please call 478-218-2739
Monday- Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm

General Conditions of Probation

  1. Do not violate the laws of any governmental unit
  2. Avoid injurious and vicious habits-especially alcohol intoxication, narcotics, and other dangerous drugs unless lawfully prescribed
  3. Avoid person or places of disreputable character
  4. Report to the Probation Supervisor as directed and permit such supervisor to visit him/her at home or elsewhere
  5. Work faithfully at suitable employment insofar as may be possible
  6. Do not change his/her present address, move outside the jurisdiction of the Court, or leave the State for any period of time without prior permission of the Probation Supervisor
  7. Support his/her legal dependents to the best of his/her ability
  8. Probationer shall, upon oral or written request by any probation officer, produce a breathe, urine, and/or blood specimen for analysis for the possible presence of any substance prohibited or controlled by any law of the State of Georgia or the United States
  9. Pay probation fees of $45.00 per month plus $9.00 per month to the Georgia Crime Victim fund for regular probation
  10. Probationer will attend, complete, participate in, and pay for, the following programs or special conditions if directed by the court:
    1. Mental health evaluation
    2. Attend alcohol/drug evaluation and follow all recommendations
    3. Submit to random drug testing
    4. Jail time
    5. House arrest/alcohol monitoring
    6. Attend AA meetings
    7. Perform community service hours
    8. Complete DUI school
    9. Photo in newspaper
    10. Install ignition interlock device
    11. Complete Defensive Driving Level 1
    12. Pay restitution
    13. Record restricted of Pre-trial

**NOTICE: Persons placed on probation by the Court should contact JAG for any information regarding fees, fee schedules and probation plans. More information is available on their website,