General Conditions of Probation
- Do not violate the laws of any governmental unit
- Avoid injurious and vicious habits-especially alcohol intoxication, narcotics, and other dangerous drugs unless lawfully prescribed
- Avoid person or places of disreputable character
- Report to the Probation Supervisor as directed and permit such supervisor to visit him/her at home or elsewhere
- Work faithfully at suitable employment insofar as may be possible
- Do not change his/her present address, move outside the jurisdiction of the Court, or leave the State for any period of time without prior permission of the Probation Supervisor
- Support his/her legal dependents to the best of his/her ability
- Probationer shall, upon oral or written request by any probation officer, produce a breathe, urine, and/or blood specimen for analysis for the possible presence of any substance prohibited or controlled by any law of the State of Georgia or the United States
- Pay probation fees of $45.00 per month plus $9.00 per month to the Georgia Crime Victim fund for regular probation
- Probationer will attend, complete, participate in, and pay for, the following programs or special conditions if directed by the court:
- Mental health evaluation
- Attend alcohol/drug evaluation and follow all recommendations
- Submit to random drug testing
- Jail time
- House arrest/alcohol monitoring
- Attend AA meetings
- Perform community service hours
- Complete DUI school
- Photo in newspaper
- Install ignition interlock device
- Complete Defensive Driving Level 1
- Pay restitution
- Record restricted of Pre-trial
**NOTICE: Persons placed on probation by the Court should contact JAG for any information regarding fees, fee schedules and probation plans. More information is available on their website,