NOTE: If you are a state licensed contractor and have not been previously issued a permit in the City of Perry, please contact 478-988-2720 prior to online submittals. All submittal attachments must be in a PDF format. Instructional sheets for permit filing can be found on the Building Permit page.

Citizens Self Service Portal FAQ’s
Citizens Self Service Portal Filing Instructions – Commercial
Citizens Self Service Portal Filing Instructions – Residential

Engineering Services

The Engineering Division is responsible for managing and coordinating subdivision construction from initial project review to completion of construction and acceptance by City Council; managing and coordinating assigned City infrastructure projects from conception through completion; maintaining infrastructure mapping system for water, sewer, stormwater, and natural gas facilities; and addressing engineering related issues.

Checklist for City Acceptance by Council

Civil Development Master Checklist

Construction Information Sheet

Curb Cut Requirements and Permit Application

Engineering Information Sheet

Final Plat Inspection Checklist

Green Infrastructure Low Impact Development Program

Land Disturbance Activity Requirements

Pre-Construction Meeting Requirements

Right of Way Construction Permits

Stormwater Enforcement Policy

Tertiary Permittee and City of Perry Land Disturbance Permit(s)

Stormwater Facility Maintenance Agreement

As part of our National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit issued by the Environmental Protection Agency, the City of Perry is required to obtain a signed Stormwater Facility Maintenance Agreement from the owner of each property developed with private stormwater facilities. The completed Agreement, and required exhibits, must be returned to the City Attorney’s office.

Once the Agreement and required exhibits are acceptable, the Agreement will be recorded with the Clerk of Superior Court. This must be completed before a Certificate of Occupancy will be released.

Pond Maintenance Agreement